About DFA Sessions

DFA_0115Every DFA session begins with you and I sitting and talking. This is followed by walking and clothed body work on a massage table. Throughout the session our dialogue increases awareness of the body. This often brings clarity of the obstacles to transformation in your life. Together we will explore how thoughts, emotional history, and physical holding patterns have brought you the present day, and how you might bring about lasting change.

I will support your exploration with questions, observations,  and physical manipulations to help increase your awareness of habitual patterns of movement and holding in your life or body. Throughout the session you participate with specific movements, exploring the motions of breathing, directing your awareness to a specific part of the body, or drawing on memories and past experiences.

In each session both client and practitioner approach the body and life with curiosity and compassion. Your curiosity coupled with the physical hands-on intervention by me, your practitioner, increases awareness of physical and personal patterns of holding. Near the end of the session, when you rise from the table and walk again, you will notice how things feel in comparison to the session’s start. This contrast facilitates and increases awareness of habitual patterns. The sessions create internal space to learn ways to shift patterns, and maintain change between sessions.

The work is quiet and nurturing, offering a supportive and safe place for you to explore possible avenues of growth, physically, emotionally and cognitively. Each session builds on the last in helping to restore physical vitality and connection to life in its fullest.  The process is unique to the individual. Nothing is viewed as unrelated: habits, thoughts, beliefs, feelings, even posture. All aspects of our selves inform the whole. Increasing your awareness of your bodies’ sensations will bring meaningful lasting change to your life.

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